Digital Systems EEE4084F

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Hall of Fame

The EEE4084F HoF provides a selection of the best past projects completed by student teams that did the EEE4084F course in previous years. The entrance criteria is a combination based largely on the team having received a first overall for the project, being amongst projects having scored the highest marks overall during that year. Future more the selection is based partly on the lecturers’ impression and also guided by decisions provided by the external examiner and/or invited experts in the field. Besides the overall mark, we select HoF projects based on the quality of the design documents and report, as well as the code and other design and implementation artefacts. In rare situations a HoF winner might not have received a 1st overall, perhaps due to falling short on certain aspects such as the final demonstration, but could still succeed in the award due to having done particularly well on the design and implementation.

If you are on the course and have been influenced by the ideas, design aspects or other resources in a HoF project, then you are required to reference the project concerned in you final report in addition to other resources (e.g. code files) or documentation that builds on ideas or artifacts from the HoF. Each HoF project indicates the method by which it should be referenced.

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